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How Haunani-Kay Trask Shaped Her People’s Struggle For Independence

"The Hawaiian movement for self-determination was forever changed by the fierce and unapologetic leadership of the late Haunani-Kay Trask. This loving obituary written by one of Trask’s mentees explores her powerful legacy."

(Published by Yes! Magazine)

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The truth: At Mauna Kea it’s mana vs money

"One thing has become abundantly clear. The only way to move the telescope’s construction forward will be by force. It isn’t just that the parties involved are not on the same page, they aren’t even in the same book."

(Published by Indian Country)


Biker Mecca on Sacred Ground

“I have a hard time in the white man's way. They pray to this guy called God, but he's gold. It’s all about the almighty dollar,” said Alexander White Plume, about an investor’s plans for a 600-acre biker extravaganza adjacent to Bear Butte."

(Published by The Nation)


The AlaskA--Hawaii Connection

"This story is about the untapped oil at the top of the world, the Native Hawaiian Federal Recognition Bill, and how the Alaska oil industry’s efforts secretly stepped into the Hawaiian community to secure Senator Akaka’s support for drilling in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)."


(An abridged version was published in the Hawaii Island Journal)


"With a population of fewer than 1,300 the Hawaiian Monk Seal is one of  the most endangered marine mammals. This is a story about a seal named Chester whose  month-long molt took place on a popular beach on Oahu."


(Produced by The Environment Report)


On Being Hawaiian and Homeless

"After September 11, 2001, militarism and real estate boomed in Hawaiʻi. Within a few short years the combined increase in militarism and housing prices caused homelessness among thousands of low-income Hawaiians."

(Produced by Free Speech Radio News)


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